Canada is a good source to find generic American ripoffs. SCTV? Fuck you Canada, we have SNL. And Fridays (even if Fridays was a complete SNL ripoff in itself.) Canadian bacon? Fuck you Canada, our bacon tastes better. You can smell the murder, unlike that horseshit frisbee looking thing you try to serve me. Granted we hadn't really capitalized on the broads-in-nu-metal thing too hard before this (There are exceptions. ex: Coal Chamber, Orgy hahaha), we sure knew a woman's place. Hide that bitch, don't let her in the spotlight.

The spotlight in question belongs to all four girls. Soon after multiple lineup changes, the sisters (one of whom shouldn't touch a fucking drum stick unless she plans on banging herself in the ass with it) did some trend hopping/soul searching around the burgeoning "Metalcore" scene that was blowing up in the USA, but came full circle to their Nu-Metal roots. Here's a glimpse into their dynamics, writing a lighter paced crap tune. Naturally we'd like it better if their nudes were involved. Ahhh, women in metal. Look at Ozzy's wife. That bitch sucks. Well, so does he. But I digress...

What could possibly be worse than American Nu-Metal? I mean you can split it up...Honkey Redstate Hick Nu Metal not unlike Puddle of Mudd or From-The-Streets Hard As Nails Toughguy Bwooklyn Nu Metal such as Biohazard or Sunny CA Get High And Buy JNCO Pants And A Pipe On Venice Beach Nu Metal like,well,most every Nu Metal band! I'll tell you what's worse:Shitty Trendhopping Limey Nu Metal that takes from all that shit mentioned. These dudes took all the hunkydory of pure American Nu Metal and turned it on it's ass and fucked it dry.

The year:1998. Ska wasn't on it's way out the door all the way yet,and like a pesky lover that doesn't want to leave your house after a night of bad sex it sticks around until completely repulsive in it's desperation. Kitschy hawaiian shirts,dreadlocks,and undoubtedly Orange County,Zebrahead brought us a feel good jam in the form of "Get Back". You know once that chorus kicks in you're not in Kansas anymore. If it's one thing I absolutely adore about this video,it's the torso bang. Modern times don't offer your standard fare torso bang! And how raging is the little Iranian guy when he's doing backups? No soup for you! Here comes the boom!

Shuvel is a band that fell off the radar real quick after Nu-Metal took a spike in popularity. The lyrical content and captivating video prove without a shadow of a doubt that this was their "Jeremy". They should have started picking fights with Ticketmaster,maybe people would still give a shit,rather than pick fun at eyebrow piercing meth dudes.